Seven Savvy Tips for the College Graduate to unlock job opportunities.

As a college graduate, your journey from the world of academia to the world of work as a young professional has just begun!  While your education has provided you with knowledge and valuable skills, networking can play an important role in landing a job and shaping your career.  By learning how to build and nurture professional relationships, opportunities that may have otherwise remained unseen are brought forth. This blog will provide seven essential tips to help you maximize your potential for hire and navigate a path to success through effective networking.

1. Utilize Your Alumni Network

Your alma mater can be an amazing resource for you, when utilized. Many universities and colleges invest in developing an alumni network for the sole purpose of job assistance.  Through this alumni network you have immediate access to a community of contacts that just might be within companies you are interested in.  So pay attention to when alumni events are being held, or online forums are being conducted. Most graduates are eager to help fellow alumni, so don't hesitate to ask for advice or pursue an informational interview. These connections can lead to  mentorship opportunities, job referrals, and insights into various industries.

2. Join Professional Organizations

The best advice I received when I graduated from college was to join a Professional Association. Becoming a member of relevant professional organizations offers a multiple of networking benefits. Professional Associations often host events, webinars, and workshops that provide opportunities to meet and interact with industry leaders and create relationships. Membership also demonstrates your commitment to your profession, which can enhance your credibility among potential employers and peers. Community networking events, conferences, and industry meetups are also excellent opportunities to expand your professional circle

3. Leverage Social Media

In today's digital age if you are in job search you must utilize social media; and although there are many forums for social media, LinkedIn is considered to be your best media platform for your job search. Recruiters often search for talent on LinkedIn and valuable connections can be made and maintained through LinkedIn. So it is important to keep your LinkedIn profile up to date with your skills, accomplishments, and career goals and to build a brand for yourself through your professional posts.

Remember to stay visible on LinkedIn once you’ve landed as a way to maintain your network. Continue to connect with professionals in your field and participate in relevant groups and discussions. 

4. Attend Job Fairs

Job Fairs are tailored to introduce job seekers to employers. They provide an excellent platform to meet with Human Resource Representatives and Hiring Managers from various companies. Before attending a Job Fair, research the participating companies beforehand so you can be prepared to talk intelligently about the company. This is your opportunity to be seen as an aspiring young professional! Remember to bring several copies of your resume, and be prepared to discuss your skills and career interests. And if you really want to impress the Human Resource Representatives and Hiring Managers, send a thank you note to the contacts you make at the Job Fair. This no doubt will leave a lasting positive impression that just may lead to a job interview.  

5. Volunteer. Get Involved in your Community

Volunteering has so many benefits. Not only does it allow you to give back to the community, it  presents opportunities for you to meet individuals who share similar passions and interests, and may be working within companies of interest. Volunteering also helps you develop transferable skills and can be a resume builder. So get from behind the computer at home, and get out into your community today. You never know who you may meet. 

6. Extend Help to Others

Networking is a two-way street, yet often forgotten. Instead of solely focusing on what others can offer you, find ways to provide value to your connections. Offer your knowledge and assistance to those in your network. Connect with your contacts through LinkedIn and find ways to stay in touch. In time, you will create reciprocal relationships that may benefit both of you. 

7. Be Authentic and Professional

Finally, always be authentic and professional in your networking endeavors. People can sense when you are sincere in your networking efforts, so no need to present a false self. When approaching a contact for an informational interview, be respectful of others' time and boundaries. Informational interviews are invaluable for gaining insights into different career paths and companies, and when you maintain a professional and authentic demeanor it goes a long way in developing rapport.  

In summary, networking often plays a key role in how quickly you land your first professional job. Once the skill is learned, and you engage in the art of networking, you will soon experience how your network of meaningful relationships, in time, plays a pivotal role in leading you to job opportunities that shape your career path today and in the future. 


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